Jean-Vital Joliat (JVJ) is a Montreal-based Franco-Swiss-Canadian filmmaker renowned for his unique style and meticulous aesthetic. Versatile, he excels in advertising, music videos, documentaries and short films. His work is regularly featured on platforms such as Director's Notes and Vimeo.
He has won several international distinctions, including selection at Cannes for his short film "CASSANDRE" in 2016 and the prize for best music video at Rome's Prisma for "WATER". In 2022, he directed the youth web series "LES CRÉATEURS".
JVJ is deeply interested in people and cultures, directing projects for artists such as ILAM and Matiu, which have won awards and been selected at various festivals. In addition to his many short films, he directed his first feature-length documentary, "ROGER, MON FRÈRE". He is currently working on his second feature-length documentary.