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Hola, [

Thank you for being part of the International Jury of Buenos Aires Music+Video Festival!


This year we have assigned you the following categories with nominated videos in the Video Prisma Awards, the official awards of BAMV 2024.  Click on the links below to vote and find out which video wins on Thursday 31 October live from C ART MEDIA. 

Entradas anticipadas
Entradas anticipadas

From this year, we are introducing the concept of ‘Sections’ in addition to ‘Categories’. This allows us to present a larger number of nominated videos in each Section, giving us the flexibility to give different awards to different videos. For this reason, we are assigning you four links instead of the usual five.

Here are some resources to make your voting process easier:

Voting Guide - International Jury
Customized Kit - International Jury

Would you like to vote for more categories than the ones we have assigned to you?
You can still vote in the following categories and sections open for voting by the International Jury: 

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